How to Create a WordPress Website Locally with Valet on Mac

Install Homebrew

Go to copy the command and run it in your terminal

It will be something like this.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Then update brew.

brew update

If the brew command is not found, you need to update Homebrew PATH.

nano ~/.zshrc

Add this line in .zshrc

export PATH=$HOME/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH

You should restart your environment.

source ~/.zshrc

Then try again to update brew.

Install PHP

brew install php

If you would like to install a specific version

brew install [email protected]

To make a specific PHP version as default:

brew link --overwrite --force [email protected]

Install composer (PHP Dependency Manager)

brew install composer

Update composer PATH.

nano ~/.zshrc

Add this line in .zshrc

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin

You should restart your environment.

source ~/.zshrc

Install MySQL with brew

brew install mysql

Once the installation is complete, start the MySQL server by running

brew services start mysql

Secure your MySQL installation, setup a root password by running

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Install WP-CLI with brew

brew install wp-cli

Check wp info.

wp --info

Install Valet with Composer

composer global require laravel/valet

Run valet install.

valet install

Run park command.

cd ~/Sites
valet park

Install WordPress

Create a directory “wordpress

cd ~/Sites
mkdir wordpress
cd wordpress

Download WordPress

wp core download

Set DbName, DbUser, and DbPass

wp core config --dbname=wordpress --dbuser=root --dbpass= --dbhost=localhost

Create Database as per above configuration.

wp db create

Set URL, Title, UserName, Pass, and Email.

wp core install --url=http://wordpress.test --title="WordPress Website" --admin_user=admin --admin_password=admin --admin_email=[email protected]

Check DB Tables.

wp db check

Create a Valet Link.

valet link

To set WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG to true for the Dev environment

wp config set WP_DEBUG true --raw
wp config set WP_DEBUG_LOG true --raw

Open the Site in the Browser.

valet open

Open code in VSCoce.

code .

To add SSL

valet secure

To remove SSL

valet unsecure

To rename your TLD from .test to something else, such as .dev

valet tld dev

Destroy the site

valet destroy


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